And Away We Go

So. Barely made my connecting flight due to the beastliness and poor design of LAX. But made it I did. And I must say, Korean Air is great. Tall guy in the middle seat, plenty of leg room, slept off and on. Fed me salmon and rice, which was pretty good, and I don't even like salmon. And the nice lady in the seat next to me gave me some delicious herbal cough drops. Nothing like hacking away for ten hours to make people take pity on you.
Arrived in Tokyo, breezed through customs with no trouble, turned on my phone, and guess what? It works nice as an alarm clock and a watch, but that's about all it will do in Japan. Feels like I'm missing a limb! Found Lucas alright without it, so no big deal.
On a bus into the city as I write this, heading to our lodgings in Akasaka, then off to find some grub. Which seems like it will take a while, due to this traffic jam we appear to be stuck in.


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