Day 5

Today I experienced two firsts, my first Japanese hangover, and a ride on the bullet train. The hangover wasn't that great. The train ride to Kyoto was. Spent most of it watching towns and countryside fly by at a rapid clip. Got a glimpse of the Sanyo Solar Ark, which was fairly amazing. Spoke a bit with the nice gentleman in the seat next to me as he chain smoked most of a pack. He was a nice fellow, said he had been to Seattle back in '62, and told me a story of how because it was so clean he thought all U.S. cities would be. Then he went to New York. He was even so kind as to make sure I made it to the proper platform once we hit Kyoto.
Found the International Manga Museum, but it was about to close, so I will head there tomorrow. Taking it easy for the rest of the night, so as to be rested for my attempt to hit as many sights as possible in my one full day in Kyoto.


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